The .NET Conf 2021 conference showed the new developments achieved in the .NET framework while opening the path for the exploration of new work environments, with the creation of tools that will facilitate the work of developers.
Held virtually from November 6th-9th, .NET Conf 2021 served as a platform to showcase the new version of .NET 6 and Visual Studio 2022 as highlights, ensuring numerous performance improvements in sectors such as smart codes editing, diagnostic tools, and better team collaboration.
In the case of Visual Studio 2022, it offers from real-time collaboration tools, to productivity tools and enhanced conclusions that perfectly integrate with the daily workflow. In short, Visual Studio 2022 provides developers with greater speed and accessibility to create large-scale programming solutions.
Our company Xari attended .NET Conf 2021, through its Lead Software Engineer, DevExpress and Microsoft MVP, José Javier Columbie, who presented the Host, deploy and scale ASP.NET Core Blazor Server conference. His speech focused on analyzing configuration settings, particularly using Azure SignalR Service.
“If we analyze the configuration at the ASP.NET Core and Blazor framework level, we see that they are built on .NET 6, so they benefit from all the improvements and tools provided by this new version; namely, more performance, less consumption, more resource efficiency, to support the latest features of the most powerful languages and tools,” described Columbie in his speech.

In the case of Blazor Server or Blazor Webassembly, Columbie suggested that forum members use either one, as both are excellent and reliable for programming. However, he warned that the developer should use the one that best suits the work he develops, since both have their own specifications.
We can summarize that NET Conf 2021 proved participants that it continues to be a cutting-edge event in the world of computing and new technologies and is consolidated as the largest event that Microsoft boasts in the .NET area. Undoubtedly, future editions of this event will portray new developments in which Xari hopes to insert itself to provide its clients with greater comfort in their work environments.
You can check the talk recording below: