DevExpress XAF Blog
Your Partner For Training, Consulting And Development In DevExpress ExpressApp Framework (XAF)

Xari – XAF Training Tour
Xari DevExpress XAF Training World Tour in progress! (4 Months In Already 😎) We’re thrilled to finally materialize our Training World Tour. This has been

NET Conf 2021 offers a bright future
The .NET Conf 2021 conference showed the new developments achieved in the .NET framework while opening the path for the exploration of new work environments,

Xari attends DEVintersection
The DEVintersection conference will be held this week in Las Vegas, Nevada, and our company Xari will attend the event, aiming at positioning the firm

DevExpress XtraReport: A Useful and Necessary Tool
In an era marked by a huge progress achieved in both data visualizations and analytics, the software world navigates through continuous creations which essentially aim